CU Družba DormitoriesComenius University Bratislava


The tennis court in the area of Švédske domky (Botanická 7) is open from 1 May 2024 to 30 September 2024 mainly for CU students and employees.

Price list:

For subscribers of a minimum of 5 hours:

from 7.00 a.m. until 8 p.m.                        9 € / 60 min.


Reservation of slots is possible via e-mail: or by phone at the gatehouse of Švédske domky, tel. no: +421 917 504 677.

To make a reservation, you need to fill out and send the "order" document provided on this page, which you then send to the above e-mail.

After the order is approved, the applicant will make the payment based on the invoice issued. You can prepay the tennis court for a minimum of 5 hours. If you spend, for example, 1 hour on the court, you can use the remaining hours later. For the remaining hours, it is necessary to make a reservation again.