CU Družba DormitoriesComenius University Bratislava


Any violation of the dormitory rules that you observe on the premises of CU Družba (e.g. disturbing the night peace after 10 p.m., non-compliance with the law on the protection of non-smokers, destruction or pollution of the property of CU Družba, etc.), you can report to the NONSTOP SOS line on the phone number +421 918 110 055. Staff on duty will come to investigate and resolve the reported complaint as soon as possible. You can call the SOS line or just write a short text message about what is happening and where it is happening (block, room number / indication of another place, e.g. D1, noise in room 123). You can report offences anonymously via the SOS line.

To report more complicated offences that require more time and information, please use the email address

Request for review of the imposed offense measure

A resident who has been fined for unauthorized access through the turnstile may view the camera recordings prior to filing an appeal. If you wish to take advantage of this option, please contact us at to schedule an appointment. Meetings are primarily available on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the CU Mlyny, office AD S 7.

All residents have the right to appeal against a decision of the disciplinary committee if they feel wronged by the decision of the disciplinary committee. An appeal must be delivered in printed written form (a legible handwritten appeal is also admissible) to the Post in D1 during regular working hours within 14 calendar days from the issue date of the disciplinary decision.

The appeal must include your full name and surname, your room number and a brief summary of the situation that resulted in you being called to appear before the disciplinary committee and your disciplinary penalty in accordance with the Dormitory Rules and Regulations. The appeal can include the names of witnesses who can confirm that your penalty was wrongfully imposed if it is necessary to conduct a further investigation of the circumstances of the case in their presence.

All affected parties are requested to take note that an appeal does not guarantee any change in the decision of the disciplinary committee or the deletion of the disciplinary penalty. Your appeal will be compared with the disciplinary report prepared by the employees who participated in the intervention and reviewed by director of CU dormitories. CU Družba is fully entitled to use camera recordings and data from the turnstile entry and exit system in reviewing cases.  

The members of the disciplinary committee will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


You can appeal through the document


Notes and observations

All residents of the CU Družba are reminded that the campus is intended to be an accommodation facility for peaceful residence, recreation, sleep and study and that they should not take risks that would lead to disciplinary penalties for offences in the event of complaints from other residents. Residents are also reminded to not to risk penalties for admitting non-residents to the accommodation section through their balconies. For the sake of your own security and the protection of your property, do not admit any non-residents who ask to be allowed to pass through your room into the building. Report any suspicious activity on balconies by using the emergency numbers.  

Problems with other residents, damage to dormitory property, unauthorised entry to the building, the movement of suspicious persons in buildings and other activity contravening the Dormitory Rules and Regulations or the law of the Slovak Republic can be reported to, or by calling the emergency number 0918 11 00 55.